Digital Signature

What is a Digital Signature Certificate?

Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) is the electronic format of physical or paper certificate like a Aadhaar Card, Voter Id, driving License and passport etc. Certificates serve as proof of identity of an individual for a certain purpose; for example, a Passport/aadhaar identifies someone as a citizen of that country; who can legally travel to any country. Likewise, a Digital Signature Certificate can be presented electronically to prove your identity, to access information or services on the Internet or to sign certain documents digitally.

What type of Digital Signature Certificate is required for Income Tax filing, ROC and MCA filing?

Class 3 Individual Digital Signature Certificate is required for Income Tax filing, ROC and MCA filing, GST, ESI, PF, Trade Mark and IE-Code, etc.... Class 3 Individual Digital Signature Certificate can be issued for 2 years or 3 years. After the valid period, user need to renew class 3 Individual digital signature certificates. Class 3 Digital Signature certificate can be issued to individual / organization.

What type of Digital Signature Certificate is required for e-Tendering, e-Procurement, Trademark / Patent filing?

Class 3 Company / Organization User certificate is required for e-Tendering, e-Procurement, Trademark / Patent filing. Class 3 is the highest type of Digital Signature Certificate. It can be issued for 2 years or 3 years. After the valid period, user need to renew class 3 digital signature certificates.

What type of Digital Signature Certificate is required for Importers-Exporters?

DGFT Digital Signature Certificate is required for DGFT website to communicate. DGFT Digital Signature is valid for or 2 years. User can save time and money by using DGFT Digital Signature Certificate.

Instructions :

  1. Aadhaar Card Scan Copy
  2. PAN Card Scan Copy
  3. Video Recording of the individual applicant will be must
  4. E-mail and Mobile number of the individual applicant will be must